CVMA only tracks information for rabies tags that have the phone number 303-318-0447 listed on them. CVMA will not have information on any other rabies tag.

Rocky Mountain Rabies Tag Program

Found a lost dog or cat with a Rocky Mountain Rabies Tag?

PLEASE NOTE: CVMA only tracks information for rabies tags that have the phone number 303-318-0447 listed on them. CVMA will not have information on any other rabies tag.

Call us at 303-318-0447 for assistance locating the animal’s veterinarian. We are open Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00 p.m. MT for calls. We will need to know the serial number and the year on the tag. If you find a dog or cat outside of these hours, please bring the dog or cat to your local shelter or veterinary clinic to be scanned for a microchip.

About the CVMA Rocky Mountain Rabies Tag Program

CVMA is proud to offer the Rocky Mountain Rabies Tag program — a statewide unified rabies identification system. For the past 30 years, this program has sold personalized one-year and three-year rabies tags to veterinary clinics.

CVMA makes it easy for veterinary professionals to reorder each year. We provide you a summary of your rabies tag order from the prior year, saving you time and headaches when reordering. All proceeds from tag sales are reinvested back into CVMA programs and services for Colorado veterinarians…so you can feel good knowing you are giving back to the profession while helping lost pets find their way home!

Order 2025 Personalized Rabies Tags

Customize rabies tags to have your practice name and contact information listed on them. For 2025, 1 year tags are blue aluminum and 3 year tags are silver stainless steel. CVMA members receive discounted pricing!

Prices: $32/ream for 1-year tag. $54 for 3-year tag.

Not a current CVMA member?

Contact Sara Mork at [email protected] or (303) 539-7275 for ordering information.